Saturday, March 17, 2007


the teepee structure fell down in the big storm
(I was intending asking Father Bear to help me tie it down at the weekend, but the wind beat me to it)

it squashed a lettuce

never mind

I had an industrious urge and picked up The Permaculture Home Garden
the intention was to find the next thing to make a start on
but I just couldn't decide
there's so much
worm farm
making compost properly
making a pond
raising seeds
seaweed brew

ah well
one thing at a time
maybe I should just stand the teepee up today
and tie it down


Jen and family said...

sure has been windy hasnt it
jen at

Amydeanne said...

I'm jealous of all the planting giong on! We're still buried under all the snow here!

skatey katie said...

i would just like to say:
(even in your current inactivity)
"Thank You for inspiring me to Do Something About My Gardens."
i'm on a roll this week:
and i'm happy to say that
I'm Nearly Over This Gardening Thang lol